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Here's your 2023 guide to Banking Regulation in the UK

Alastair Holt and Simon Treacy have co-authored the UK chapter for the latest edition of GLI’s Banking Regulation 2023.

As the cost of living rises, banks need to be mindful of their regulatory obligations, such as the requirement to treat customers fairly and the incoming consumer duty regime. Banks also face tighter standards around how they identify and manage risks relating to ESG, in particular preventing greenwashing. And there is more regulatory change on the horizon driven by the government's Edinburgh Reforms and the Financial Services and Markets Bill 2023.

Read the chapter for an overview of the regulatory framework for banks in the UK.

Incoming legislation is laying the groundwork for future regulatory reforms that allow for more proportionate and responsive rules. This includes deregulation in targeted areas (such as the cap on banker bonuses and wholesale market reforms) and new regulation in others (such as ESG and cryptoassets).