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D&I in financial services - what are you thinking?

Financial services regulators are increasingly considering how D&I can be incorporated within their monitoring, supervisory and enforcement powers. We recently launched our Diversity in Financial Services webpage, which contains  blog posts, articles and webinar content covering a variety of perspectives on this significant topic. 

Since the publication in July of the joint FCA, PRA and Bank of England paper on diversity and inclusion in financial services, we have been engaging with clients on the issues raised in a variety of ways. These include:

  • Our note considering the joint paper in detail and putting the proposals into regulatory context;
  • webinar, where we looked in more detail at some of the practical challenges raised by the proposals; and
  •  Blog posts covering: 
    • The FCA's developing approach to culture and organisational purpose;
    • review of gender pay gap reporting for 2021.

We are publishing a series of podcasts considering in more detail the questions financial services firms (and the regulators) are going to have to answer as they respond to the growth in regulatory focus on D&I. Listen to our first episode in this series here in which we examine how D&I will become a regulatory risk issue; the links drawn between D&I and non-financial misconduct; and the proposed D&I policy options and difficulties firms may face in implementing them. (If you want more on non-financial misconduct, check out our global comparative review.)


Across our Financial Regulatory group, Employment & Incentives practice and Diversity Faculty, Linklaters has a range of offerings that support financial services firms in developing D&I within their organisations, and can help to pre-empt, manage and mitigate legal and regulatory risk. Colleagues in these teams are available to share their insights on any particular issues relating to D&I you might be facing – do get in touch and we can discuss how we can assist.

We recognise that the financial sector has taken steps forward on diversity and inclusion. But there is much more that needs to be done to create truly diverse and inclusive organisations that meet the diverse needs of those we serve.