The European Parliament and Council have today agreed to extend the transitional arrangements exempting those who make available to EU retail investors a UCITS "KIID" (e.g. UCITS ManCos) from also needing to make available a PRIIPs "KID" until 31 December 2022. This still needs to be formally adopted in order to be come binding EU law but adoption by the EU Parliament is expected later in November 2021, with adoption in the Council and publication in the Official Journal to follow shortly thereafter.

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EU PRIIPs - Transitional exemption extension agreed until 31 December 2022
"In order to ensure that this need for sufficient time to prepare for the obligation to produce a KID is met, Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 has been amended by Regulation (EU) 2021/... of the European Parliament of the Council to extend the transitional arrangement until 31 December 2022"
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