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NFM and whistleblowing - a global priority?

Much has been said in the UK about the FCA's focus on the way in which regulated firms deal with 'non-financial misconduct' and the indication this gives of the cultural 'health' of an organisation. The adequacy of whistleblowing arrangements are also increasingly being used here as a bellwether for firm culture. For firms with a global footprint, however, where functions may be managed on a group rather than entity level, the regulatory impact of incidences of non-financial misconduct may differ depending on the jurisdiction (and regulatory regime) in which it occurs.

Building on our recent report, in this podcast, DR partner Gavin Lewis and I consider the ways in which NFM is (and isn't) beginning to feature in financial services regulators' assessments of individual suitability across a number of jurisdictions.  We also consider the increasing importance of effective whistleblowing programs and identify issues to consider when approaching both these areas on a cross-border basis.

Click here to listen. 

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whistleblowing, nfm, conduct risk, culture