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| 1 minute read

AI-washing – the latest developments and how to mitigate the risk

As AI rapidly develops, it brings with it the risk that firms might be accused of ‘AI-washing’: ‘overselling’ their AI’s capabilities, for example to boost sales or reputation or to raise capital.  With attentive regulators and well-funding claimant lawyers, this risk must be managed carefully.

Listen to our latest podcast episode in which:

  • We define AI-washing and give some emerging examples of it.  
  • We look at the key civil and regulatory risks.  
  • We draw some lessons from recent and cutting-edge US and UK regulatory and enforcement action.  
  • And we finish with practical tips about ways you might address this risk in your own businesses.

This episode features Doug Davison (partner, Washington D.C.), David Thomas (partner, London) and Duncan Campbell (senior associate, London).

For more AI insights visit our webpages on AI and Contentious AI and check out our AI toolkit.

Click here for a recording and slides of our recent webinar on contentious issues surrounding AI.

For more of our podcasts on the hottest topics across Litigation, Arbitration and Investigations in the UK, visit Leading Questions.

Reach out to Doug, David, Duncan or your usual contact if you are interested in discussing this topic further.  We’d love to hear from you.

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ai, artificial intelligence, market conduct, market abuse, enforcement, class actions, litigation, uk, usa, financial crime and market abuse