6/28/2022 11:43:03 AM Here we go again… EBA plots reform of European payments rules By Simon Treacy The European payments sector has been on a voyage since PSD2 upended payments regulation in 2018. Last year the European Commission sent...
10/4/2021 1:39:04 PM Amendments to ESMA/EBA guidelines are slowly tightening the screws on non-financial misconduct By Sara Cody ESMA and the EBA have had guidelines on assessing the suitability of members of the management body and key function holders pursuant to...
5/26/2021 7:44:26 PM Measuring the EU banking sector’s ‘greenness’ By Terry Yiangou The results of the EBA’s first climate risk-mapping pilot for banks are finally with us. At a high-level (and among others), these...