8/20/2021 9:04:54 AM Claiming litigation privilege over an internal investigation report? There's so much to lose and it turns on so little By Duncan Campbell Sara Cody Nikunj Kiri A recent High Court decision illustrates the vexed question of the application of legal professional privilege in the context on internal...
8/6/2021 12:09:14 PM Sharp suits and investment advice for men, piggy banks for women. By Elizabeth Dowd Of the many strands of diversity, gender and gender equality has been "top of the charts" within the corporate world for many years now....
8/4/2021 7:46:48 PM Banking Regulation 2021 By Alastair Holt Are you looking for a user-friendly overview of UK banking regulation? If so, I hope you find this useful.
8/3/2021 4:09:46 PM Non-financial misconduct in Hong Kong: where could future enforcement action be concentrated? By Duncan Campbell UK FCA Director of Enforcement Mark Steward recently said that the FCA is not a "guardian of morality". It focuses on misconduct that...