7/17/2024 8:41:05 PM ESAs finalise second batch of DORA Level 2 rules – but one is missing… By Raza Naeem James Morris Simon Treacy The European Supervisory Authorities have finalised more technical standards under the EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act. EU...
1/24/2024 1:34:03 PM Opening panDORA’s box: ESAs finalise first batch of DORA Level 2 By Raza Naeem Jimi Piggott-Bader Simon Treacy The European Supervisory Authorities have submitted to the European Commission the first batch of draft technical standards under DORA....
12/15/2023 4:59:38 PM ESAs release second batch of DORA level 2 standards By Raza Naeem Jimi Piggott-Bader Simon Treacy The EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act starts to apply in January 2025. Before then the European Supervisory Authorities need to put...