2/17/2023 10:30:26 AM European Commission publishes delegated regulation to fine-tune SFDR RTS By Jimi Piggott-Bader The European Commission has published a Delegated Regulation (2023/363) to amend and correct the SFDR regulatory technical standards...
7/18/2022 2:11:28 PM A full in-tray for the next FCA Chair By Peter Bevan Simon Treacy Ashley Alder has been confirmed as the next Chair of the Financial Conduct Authority, although he does not take up his new role until...
6/6/2022 8:44:59 AM ESG webinar: US SEC investor protection proposals vs. EU SFDR and UK SDR By Raza Naeem Brad Caswell Benjamin Maconick Recently, the US Securities and Exchange Commission proposed new rules in the ESG space designed to prevent against greenwashing, enhance...
3/14/2022 12:22:26 PM Looking for an overview of banking regulation in the UK? Here’s your 2022 guide By Alastair Holt Simon Treacy Alastair Holt and Simon Treacy have co-authored the UK chapter for the latest edition of GLI’s Banking Regulation 2022. The Government’s...
2/11/2022 11:13:20 AM UK Investment Association's Net Zero Forum: Climate Disclosure and Managing Legal Risk By Premlata Fagan Against a dynamic and fast-paced policy and regulatory backdrop the UK Investment Association is working closely with its members in the...
1/20/2022 10:23:02 AM ESG Webinar: recap and key ESG focus areas for banks and insurers in 2022 By Vanessa Havard-Williams Edward Chan Raza Naeem A number of ESG developments occurred over 2021, both at a European level (in particular finalisation of the Article 8 Taxonomy delegated...
6/8/2021 11:35:14 AM Launch of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures By Clare Wiles In key news for businesses, investors and the ESG world: the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) officially launched...
6/2/2021 7:40:21 AM Bank of England's Bailey gets real on tackling climate change By Clare Wiles Andrew Bailey's recent speech on tackling climate change "for real" drives home the importance of transition to a net-zero economy - but...
5/26/2021 7:44:26 PM Measuring the EU banking sector’s ‘greenness’ By Terry Yiangou The results of the EBA’s first climate risk-mapping pilot for banks are finally with us. At a high-level (and among others), these...