2/2/2023 4:31:52 PM EBA and ECB launch 2023 EU-wide stress tests By Stephen Clipsham Premlata Fagan The European Banking Authority has launched its EU-wide stress test for 2023, an exercise which assesses the solvency and resilience of...
10/26/2022 1:22:18 PM The growing importance of operational resilience By Sumit Indwar Simon Treacy Six months since the UK operational resilience rules started to apply, Sumit Indwar hosted a panel on the growing importance of...
1/20/2022 10:23:02 AM ESG Webinar: recap and key ESG focus areas for banks and insurers in 2022 By Vanessa Havard-Williams Edward Chan Raza Naeem A number of ESG developments occurred over 2021, both at a European level (in particular finalisation of the Article 8 Taxonomy delegated...
10/8/2021 1:12:04 PM Can 'complexification' of financial products survive the FCA's consumer duty? By Sara Cody This FT article makes an interesting point about the role of what it terms 'conplexification' in bank business models, and its potential...
6/22/2021 8:25:23 AM Payer beware! Standard of Care or Reasonable Basis for Belief? By Linklaters It is a sad fact that there is always someone out their looking for opportunities to scam those who (we hope) less savvy than us. With...
6/16/2021 1:42:59 PM Strong and Stable… and Safe: The Bank of England consider Stablecoin Regulation needs By Michael Fatungase In a very interesting speech by Christina Segal-Knowles (the Bank of England's Executive Director for Financial Markets Infrastructure),...
6/7/2021 8:22:04 AM The necessity of using supervisory technology By Olivia Murphy 'With the banking sector embracing digitalisation, banking supervisors must also adapt'. These are the words of Pentti Hakkarainen,...
5/26/2021 7:44:26 PM Measuring the EU banking sector’s ‘greenness’ By Terry Yiangou The results of the EBA’s first climate risk-mapping pilot for banks are finally with us. At a high-level (and among others), these...